Venue: Hanoi-Viantiane-Luang Prabang-Chiang Mai-Bangkok-Krabi
Just coming back from 2 weeks trip to Hanoi-Viantiane-Luang Prabang-Chiang Mai-Bangkok-Krabi.N the feeling is superb.Plan to do another trip-perhaps one month trip for next year.Maybe alone or two-three friends just like what I recently did for this trip.
Backpacking travelling open my eyes to the outside world. Expect the unexpected when you are on travelling. Laos really relax and warm country, Vietnam the citizen really kind,Bangkok really modern city and Chiang Mai just amazing.
Backpack; it is still kejadian 'paranormal' in Malaysia but for outside,it's norm. We met many interesting peoples;and most of them on trip for 2-3 months. I guess our trip was the shortest one.
I arrived to Malaysia early this morning and took a cab.
Here the conversation us with pakcik teksi.
Mat Salleh datang sini mesti ader misi kan?
Misi aper?Diorang datang for holiday la.
Diorang ader duit tapi tinggal kat hotel murah..mesti ader misi.Nak buat kajian ke.
Pakcik,biasalah backpackers tinggal guesthouse..hotel2 murah.
Adeh..hello pakcik..backpack memangla tinggal guesthouse..hotel murah2..N for backpack tak semestinya kaya baru boleh buat.Fly with the ticket during promo.You can save a lot. Arrange your own budget and's all on your hand whether to make it expensive or inexpensive trip.Tu baru sorang..belum yang lain lagi.
N when they heard that you are travelling alone or just two-three friends,there are two kinds of nodes:
Nada 1: Kesiannya travel tak ramai..tak meriah nyer..pompuan jer sumer...bahaya-bahaya
Nada 2:
Which one is yours?
N from this trip, I knew that Malaysia is not a favourite destination for the tourist. They prefer go to Cambodia-Thailand-Laos-Vietnam-Singapore-Bali.And not Malaysia.
Feel like duta kecil lak as we are trying to impress them about Malaysia. But to be truth, our tourism is not offering something strong to attract them coming here.What we have is same like what our neighbour have.We just win in term of multi cultural races but for the content for it-we still behind.
Those who plan to do the backpack but keep worried about the security-disease-food-money..well,keep the worries aside and believe that you can do it. Enjoy the life and excitement of being travellers.The feeling is great.